Friday, January 8, 2010

La Rentrée with snow and some dog food.

Hello again and happy new year!

Being back in St. Chely has made me realize that I miss my Oli and my family. Also that being alone isn't healthy but at the same time I'm glad to be able to get away from people when I want to. Brussels was ok but I became a little too overwhelmed with people all the time. Plus I hate cigarette smoke. It's going to take me a week to get the smell out of my clothes.

The train back was uneventful although I did have to purchase a last minute fare from brussels to paris since patty didn't want to drive me to lille. I got to travel first class so it was worth it I guess. I'm looking forward to my trip to Dubai. I get to fly into the Dubai airport so I wont have the 1.5 hour bus ride from the other airport where Oli works.

Everyone seems to be happy here at the start of the year and we all gave each other three bises for the new year and everyone says 'best wishes'. I find it awkward for me to say that so I just say the equivalent of happy new year.

We're getting a new zealander (girl) for the next 10 months. She arrives at school on monday and she'll be in the 1er STG class. Good luck to her because those kids are... well... nutso. That's the class I took a week off and took only the four girls who actually care about learning. Maybe this new addition will help them focus more. Also I'm glad to have a real anglophone so that when people ask me questions about stuff I'm not the only frame of reference and I can also ask her too if need be. I wish I had done what this girl is doing though. She's going to have the best experience living with a family and speaking french all the time!

The weather people here predicted snow all over france for the weekend except the lozere was green. I find this funny that we aren't on snow alert when all the departments around us are. This is because 1. They probably had no data 2. We are well equipped to deal with the snow 3. No one really cares about the middle of no where. My friends ask me constantly every time it snows here if there is snow where I come from. Duh! I feel more at home when there is snow than when there isn't and so far this winter I think Michigan has had more snow than us!!!

I used the wok for the first time tonight. It's actually a pretty cool tool and I think I'll use it more often now that I've opened it and put it together. The food I made wasn't very good cause all I could think about while eating the egg noodles was how they smelled like dog food. I got them from the international section here so only god knows how long they had been on the shelf. Even with the sauce I put on everything the smell still permeated through. Note to self: find french recipes that don't include random foods. In any case I say cooking with the wok was a success!

Well I've got to get back to my law and order svu marathon!!! (I'm catching up on season 11 and I might back track to season 10 since I missed it all last year)


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